Meet Our People

Get to know our amazing people by reading below. We look forward to meeting you!

A company is only as good as its people.

Lucky for us, we have an outstanding team here at Leaf & Limb.


Andrea is a Raleigh native who cares deeply about the natural world, trees in particular. She especially loves the beautiful bark of the white oak. Andrea’s delight in the natural world runs deep and even led to a heated argument with a friend over a relatively minor act of littering. Leaf & Limb stands out among other tree companies for Andrea because of its dedication to being environmentally minded, a quality she sought out when seeking employment.


Andrea is an extremely talented manager. Her mind is a steel trap of information – she knows all and forgets nothing. She has several forms of synesthesia, which could explain her keen abilities. She loves working at Leaf & Limb because she can't wait to make sure you have a fantastic experience. Rest assured, you will enjoy interacting with Andrea – everybody always does. As a native Minnesotan, she is a self-described hockey addict. She also loves pizza, 80’s rock, and Stephen King. Oh and reading. Andrea never leaves home without her Kindle - she is always reading at least two books (usually more) and listening to at least one audiobook at all times. Oh and cats. She currently has 6, of which all are rescues. Meow.


Andrew has a little east coast and a little west coast in him. A native Virginian, he has also spent time in California, which left him with a lasting love of redwood trees. Andrew loves working with trees. In fact, one of his favorite hobbies is bonsai, an activity similar to the work he does at Leaf & Limb, but on a different scale. Beyond working with trees, Andrew enjoys woodworking, hiking, kayaking, and spending time with dogs.


Born and raised in Cary, Anna’s passion for sustainability led her to attend a B Corp clinic at NC State University, where she fell in love with the philosophy of B Corporations like Leaf & Limb. After researching the organization, she realized that Leaf & Limb’s excitement for education, composting, and the great outdoors aligned with her own. Eager to work outside and expand her knowledge about tree care, Anna decided to put in an application to join the team at Leaf & Limb.The rest is history! When Anna’s not spending quality time with her dog, she’s seeking adventure on a mountain or scuba trail, kayaking, or planning her next outdoor trip.


Born in Wilmington and raised in High Point, Annie is a North Carolina native through and through. Speaking of natives, she’s the #1 fan of the Eastern Redbuds (the real MVPs of Spring) and their bright bursts of color. And when spring turns to summer, you better believe she’s stocking up on juicy ice-cold cantaloupe and watermelon to make those 95-degree days with 100% humidity just a little more bearable. Outside of the Leaf & Limb adventures, you’ll catch Annie running at the Eno, kicking it on the soccer field, tackling hiking trails, and whipping up some culinary magic in the kitchen – especially when it involves baking delicious bread.


When you ask Basil what he thinks about himself, he'll tell you he is incredibly lucky. He has family he loves dearly, friends and colleagues who inspire him, and every day he gets to care for trees, soil, and flowers. He pursues his purpose and passions as the co-founder of Leaf & Limb and Project Pando. He is a Treecologist, ISA Board Certified Master Arborist, Duke graduate, Wizard of Things, and author of the book "From Wasteland to Wonder - Easy Ways to Help Heal Earth in the Sub/Urban Landscape." Some random facts about Basil: sometimes he dreams about chocolate-filled taiyaki from Hiroshima. One of his favorite memories is celebrating Winter's Solstice with his boys on a mountain top in Linville Gorge under a sea of glittering stars. He is a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. If you aren’t familiar with Jiu-Jitsu, it’s an activity where mostly dudes go to a gym in pajamas to attack each other. A week without plenty of reading, intense exercise, and blazing hot peppers is a sad week for Basil. He really, really likes garlic. Basil's favorite birthday breakfast tradition is to eat one of every type of French pastry at Lucettegrace in downtown Raleigh. Click here to learn more about Basil.


Bridget is originally from Holly Springs, NC, but was actually born in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Sandwiches are her ultimate comfort food, especially when they’re filled with eggplant parmesan, a nod to her grandfather’s favorite dish. During her time working at a nature park, she fell in love with the feathery branchlets and knobby lil’ knees of the Bald Cypress. Whether she’s working outdoors, or filling her spare time with sewing, sculpting, or collage, Bridget loves to use her hands to create. Although she was named after a dog (true story), she’s basically a human magpie, with collections of coins, records, stamps, and vintage nature guides. She’s working on speaking Italian molto bene and is a bit of a luddite since she would much rather put pen to paper than send you an email.


Cedric is gifted with athleticism and smarts to match – pretty much the perfect recipe for becoming a great climber. But becoming a great climber also requires hard work and dedication, something Cedric proved he possesses. After working for years as a crew leader, he now oversees our training program, working hard to share his knowledge with other aspiring climbers. Cedric is a self-taught musician who creates his own tracks. He is also a self-taught basketball extraordinaire, demonstrating on courts all across Raleigh that white boys CAN jump.


Chris was born in Ohio to a family of hardcore OSU Buckeye football fans. He earned an engineering degree from NC State’s College of Engineering, as well as a minor in German. He is still conversational. Then he took to the high seas, where he spent 6 years on the open ocean as a Merchant Marine and earned his Captain's license. He loves drawing (he is an accomplished artist), reading the classics, camping, and grilling out with friends and family. He was drawn to Leaf & Limb because he enjoys working outdoors. For Chris, a positive attitude and outlook on life are very important.


Originally from Long Island, NY, Chris comes to tree care from an unusual academic background: physics, in which he earned a degree from Williams College in Massachusetts. In addition to golf, tennis, and playing guitar, Chris enjoys gardening, a hobby that nudged him towards tree care, with which he is fascinated. Among many things he loves about North Carolina, the beautiful flowering of the crape myrtles may be his favorite. Chris is also an ISA Certified Arborist.


Where to begin? Colin originally founded this company in 1997, starting with nothing but an old truck. Many years later, Colin is now among the top in the industry when it comes to knowledge of all things tree-related. He is a regular arboriculture encyclopedia – people are always amazed by his expertise. He is CTSP accredited, an ISA Certified Arborist, has his Tree Risk Assessment Qualification, and is obsessed with perfection. He was born and raised in South Africa, speaks many languages including Dutch and Afrikaans, has mastered soccer, used to compete nationally in judo, and loves samosas.


Dan's wanderlust has led him from Chapel Hill to Denver, Helsinki, and Northern VA before returning him home to Raleigh. He's explored 47 states, 2 Canadian provinces, 20 European countries, and picked up some clutch survival phrases along the way. A true foodie, he's had his mind blown by dishes worldwide; locally he frequently finds himself at Taza Grill for steak & cheese pitas! Dan is an ISA Certified Arborist who enjoys running, nature photography, and gardening. Every fall he recharges by camping and hiking in the mountain forests. The white birch and quaking aspen forests of Colorado, Canada, and Scandinavia, particularly Helsinki's beautiful tree-lined trails, hold a special place in his heart. Ask about his shocking Finnish sauna adventures for an entertaining tale!


David’s roots are in Durham, but most of his childhood was spent on the coast in Wilmington, NC. So it’s no surprise that his favorite meal is the classic southern combo of field peas and Carolina gold rice—aka Hoppin’ John. If you’ve never tried it, just ask David to whip some up for you. He’ll happily use the skills he learned from the best culinary school in the world and the education he got from 16 years in the restaurant industry to make you his favorite meal or some fun snacks to try. On any given day you’ll find David spending time with his wife and son, and connecting with nature in his garden, but don’t ask him to pick his favorite tree. The Joshua Tree and Ponderosa Pine, both take top billing both in his heart and on his sleeve (or wherever his tattoos are) since he made his tree love official by permanently inking these natural wonders onto his skin. The Joshua Tree symbolizes his love for the desert and of course, the iconic rock band U2, while the Ponderosa Pine reminds him of Colorado. Fun fact: Ponderosa Pine sap smells like butterscotch! Mmm…


Born in Australia, EB still misses those Aussie waves. He was 10 when he moved to Raleigh. In Raleigh, he had a close group of friends who lived in the same neighborhood. There’s a video about them called The Creek Boys, which sometimes gets presented at urban planning conferences. A natural fit at Leaf & Limb, EB has enjoyed growing tree saplings for years. The Hemlock is EB’s current obsession, a tree that grows well in shade and eventually takes its place in the canopy. He loves playing basketball and really any sport. Although he was raised in Raleigh he is happy to now call Durham his home.


Ever since he was a wee hatchling, Ernie Worm knew he was meant for greener (and more nutrient-rich) pastures. As the youngest of eight siblings, Ernie spent most of his life dreaming of a new soil home while sharing a cramped acre with more than a million other earthworms. One day, after a spring rainstorm, Ernie finally gathered the courage to explore the vast world around him. That day, he wandered into the richest and healthiest soil he ever burrowed: the composting operations at Leaf & Limb! Since then, he’s become an integral part of the team — by turning rotting stuff into rich compost. When he’s not working, Ernie spends his time participating in eating contests (he can eat his weight in food every day!) and exploring the dark corners of his mound.


Fiona hails from Washington, D.C., but has called North Carolina home since she was 18. Her favorite comfort foods are fried chicken and literally any form of potato. No spud’s a dud in Fiona’s book! When she’s not working, you might find her playing D&D or creating her own combination map/game about the Appalachian Trail. A true East Coaster, Fiona’s partial to another regional native: the Rising Sun Eastern Redbud. She loves its wild foliage – it reminds her of a tree straight out of a video game (seriously, go look up a picture of one!). She’s grateful to work at Leaf & Limb because the kindness, enthusiasm, and passion of the people.


Gabriel is an oak man through and through. He swoons over their sturdy frames and can't resist the siren call of a well-formed acorn. The extensive acorn collection that he’s stashed from his travels rivals that of even the most industrious squirrel. Forget the Svalbard global seed vault—this guy’s got you covered! He also has more classically nerdy pastimes. Gabriel loves a good DnD campaign with friends, devours Star Trek novels, and frequents Ren fairs in full regalia. When he’s flexed his brain enough, he trains for the physical aspects of his job by lifting weights, going for long hikes, and dabbling in a bit of light hydroponic gardening. He’s a great guy all around, according to 1 out of 2 of his cats. That’s basically a five-star review when you account for cat math.


Meet Gus, a Nashville native who recently found out the importance of specifying Nashville, Tennessee, not Nashville, North Carolina—who knew? During college in Florida, Gus developed a love for community and creativity, especially under the shade of a particularly massive Indian Banyan tree on campus. His love for the tree helped it grow into a vibrant community hub, complete with hammocks, wind chimes, and student art. These days, you might find Gus playing the guitar (shoutout to his folk band, Chicken Machine!) or practicing the delicate art of bonsai. In the past, rock climbing was a regular pursuit until a move to Florida curtailed it due to a lack of rocks so Gus looks forward to exploring North Carolina’s ecosystems and discovering new activities around his new home in Raleigh.


Hayden comes to Raleigh by way of Asheville. He has a degree in Ecology, is an ISA Certified Arborist, loves ID'ing trees and living the philosophy of helping the environment as a whole. Hayden loves the Carolina Hemlock. Why you ask? It has a “fluffy” look and tends to be the picturesque lone tree on rocky outcrops. When he’s not out hiking, you can find him playing hockey and the drums, but not at the same time. He loves messing around with computers, playing video games and finding the best hole-in-the-wall restaurants in town. Briefly in college, Hayden majored in ceramic arts and specialized in throwing and glaze chemistry.


Originally from Erie, PA, Jenn settled in Durham in 2022 after stints in Forest City, UNCP, and UNCG. Their favorite quirky comfort food? Fried spaghetti - noodles sautéed in butter and salt, courtesy of their resourceful great-grandmother. A self-professed bug enthusiast, Jenn adores sycamores because they host adorable sycamore tussock moth caterpillars. They flex their creativity through drawing, crocheting, playing Stardew Valley, and watching indie horror gameplays. Jenn dotes on their beloved cat Osiris and will happily regale you with tales of his oversized personality. And speaking of tales, they were once a walking medical mystery!


Meet Joe, a nature-loving native of Alexandria, VA. A rover by nature and a family man at heart, Joe adventures abroad and closer to home, always returning to family HQ for his dad’s legendary lasagna. During his undergraduate degree at Duke University, Joe worked with a star-studded cast of endangered lemurs including Jovian, the famed animal actor in Zoboomafoo. Now, a recovering academic, Joe has turned his attention to an equally interesting primate: humans. Joe believes the landscaping industry has the potential to be a force for positive change in the way humans interact with local ecosystems. His work with native plant nurseries and “food-scape” companies in Northern Virginia coaxed his nascent love of the Piedmont ecoregion into full bloom. For Joe, the rich botanical palate is far too riotous to pick just one favorite species: in spring, the blossoms of mountain laurel and catawba rhododendron light up shady hillsides. In summer, sturdy oaks provide shade from the harsh North Carolina heat, and colorful oakleaf hydrangeas and fragrant spicebush bring vibrance to autumn. Even in winter, the ghostly leaves of the American Beech enhance the forest’s mystique. As Leaf & Limb’s research manager, Joe combines his heart with his smarts to develop innovative new ways of making the world a better place – one yard at a time.


John’s favorite food is a clear indication that he grew up on the coast of North Carolina. What is it? Calabash shrimp? Nope! Soft-shell crab? Not even close. It’s an Oreo milkshake from Cookout. The hot NC weather also prepared him for one of his favorite adventures, biking from Chapel Hill to St. Augustine, Florida, in the middle of the summer. The heat didn’t stop the trip, but it definitely made it memorable. John's background in IT got him interested in ham radio and satellite communications. He’s made contact with people all over the world, from South Africa to New Zealand, and, notably, the International Space Station.


Josh is an ISA Certified Arborist from the charming town of Juniper Level just south of Raleigh. He’s a connoisseur of his wife’s mouthwatering white sauce mushroom lasagna, a birthday tradition layered with love. The Post Oak has his heart because of its striking branch structure that looks like it’s spreading its limbs to embrace sunlight. He loves riding BMX and blacksmithing (but not at the same time—yet), and exploring trails. You can see his adventures on his YouTube vlog, @Thenorthcarolinanomad. And while he doesn’t often run into bears on his hikes, a close encounter at a childhood petting zoo left him with a bite on the hand, but no hard feelings toward the cub. In fact, he says he’d still pet a bear if he saw one today (let’s hope for his sake he doesn’t ever get that chance). Fun fact: his kiddos are named after two beautiful trees—Rowan and Cedar.


Coming from the northern parts of Atlanta, Josh moved to the city of Oaks with his wife in 2015. Josh is a jack of all trades at L&L. He has held multiple positions throughout his years with us. From a crew member, to top level climber, to currently being a member of our sales and consulting team. He enjoys skateboarding, writing and recording music, and talking to people about trees and shrubs. Passionate about tree health, he has been a great addition to our teams over the past 8 years. He also enjoys continuing his knowledge, including tree risk assessment and State Arborist certifications.


There is little doubt that Juan is one of the best tree climbers in the industry. Juan will tackle any project head on, and do so in an efficient and safe manner. Watch Juan in action when he is working on your property, and you will be amazed – we regularly hear “oohs” and “ahhs” from clients when Juan is in action. He has countless years of experience and is a long-time Leaf & Limb veteran, tied for longest career at our company. Little known fact about Juan: he is also an accomplished mechanic and expert tinkerer.


Kassie, a vibrant individual with a flair for the arts and a taste for adventure, originally hails from Concord, NC, where the not-distant-enough echoes of Nascar races served as a unique and annoying morning wake-up call. The willow tree holds a special place in Kassie’s heart, reminding her of idyllic moments spent lying beneath its branches by Chautauqua Lake during summer visits to family in NY. Kassie finds solace in the world of drawing and painting, and spends her time at parks or cemeteries with a sketchbook and coffee in hand. She loves a good paranormal book, crime documentaries, and is always down to go ghost-hunting if you’re not a wimp. And of course, there was that time that Kassie’s love of collecting strange stuff almost landed her on the no-fly list. 15-year-old Kassie stumbled upon a large piece of dead brain coral in Florida, so obviously, it was coming home to NC with her. Unfortunately, the TSA agent at the airport didn’t have a keen eye for coral and mistook it for a bomb. Things became even more awkward when Kassie politely tried to help him open her bag. Whoops. After shouting orders for her to stand back, Kassie was finally cleared to fly when the TSA agent realized his mistake. Good times indeed!


A Raleigh native soaking up southern charm since birth, she can wax poetic about the Eastern Redbud's vibrant spring blooms that signal the welcomed return of warmer days. When not cooking up culinary delights like her favorite spicy Taka Dal, or championing environmental causes, music is Katie's first love - she can play a surprising number of instruments! In the great outdoors, she's an avid bushcrafter, hammock camper, and gardener. Her claim to fame? Sharing the silver screen with Gregory Peck and Lauren Bacall. And ask about the time her niece convinced her to leap from a plane - Katie's ready for another adrenaline rush and is up for pretty much any adventure!


A Pennsylvania native, Katrina Fraley traded cows and cornfields for the City of Oaks when she moved to Raleigh in 2015. This self-proclaimed foodie favors the perfect New York slice from Gino’s Pizza and adores the Eastern Redbud tree's heart-shaped leaves. Katrina shares her love of hiking, art, and live music with her husband Matt, and their daughter, Sparrow. Though a bit of a gamer, her true talents are music (she’s played in pretty much every kind of band you can think of) and being obsessed with her two dachshund pups. Katrina is also on a journey to become a Reiki Master Teacher and loves the idea of helping people experience Reiki's power. As the oldest of six siblings, she’s already a natural guide and leader!


Kelly grew up in Baltimore, so naturally he loves crab cakes, the Ravens, and the O’s. He has been happily married to his lovely wife for over two decades. When he is not spending time with her, he tinkers with his Chevy Blazer and will fish for anything that swims. He began his career as a tree climber in the late 80’s and since that time has mastered all aspects of tree care, biology, biotic/abiotic issues, soil, and so much more. He is an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist with the Tree Risk Assessment Qualification. He has been involved in high profile tree care projects within the National Parks of Washington DC, Manasssas Battlefield, Antietam Battlefield and the C.O. Canal. Last but not least, he loves his two toy poodles.


Leo hails from Wilson, NC, just down the road from the Triangle. There, Leo developed an early love of exploring nature through climbing magnolia trees (still his favorite) and kayaking down the streams of eastern North Carolina. After a harrowing experience in high school with an autoimmune disease that filled his lungs with blood and sent him to the hospital for over a week, Leo re-emerged a more healthy and positive person. He loves that Leaf & Limb is a tree company focused on planting, tending to trees, and pruning. He also appreciates the volunteer opportunities available through the company.


Luke comes to us from various parts of Georgia but considers Lagrange his hometown. His recent road trip from Tennessee to Oregon left him with a new sense of admiration for the beauty of the Douglas firs and other evergreens he saw driving through the picturesque landscapes of western Montana and northern Idaho. The beauty of the evergreen forests literally left him speechless. When he’s not gaping at awesome trees, Luke immerses himself in activities like making music, going to concerts, hiking, photography, and playing disc golf, ping pong, and board games. While he admittedly sucks at a lot of the stuff he tries at first, he gets a ton of satisfaction from navigating the initial challenges and then seeing steady improvement. Luke spent most of his 20s working as a mental health therapist (No, he’s not psychoanalyzing you. Probably.) but decided to embark on a new path, stepping away from the therapy world to try out a new adventure in a field that he says feels “more like me”.


Luke was born and raised in Durham, NC. He first crossed paths with Leaf & Limb when he ran his own mobile repair company; they were one of his clients. What attracted Luke to join the team was the company environment where you work around people you enjoy every day. When he’s not working, Luke can be found on his property in south central Virginia with his wife and three kids. He enjoys pork BBQ, eastern style vinegar-based sauce of course, and is a sucker for dogs, Labradors of course. In 20 years, he hopes his kids will repeat and continue to live his mantra of “make everything better than it was when you got there.”


Lydia definitely prefers short North Carolina winters to the long-lasting biting cold of Michigan, her home state. The smell of Northern White Cedars reminds her of her family vacation spot in Ontario, where these trees are the main attraction. She was drawn to Leaf & Limb because of the organization's commitment to sustainability, earth stewardship, and spending the workday outside. She is an ISA Certified Arborist. In Lydia's spare time, she loves trail running with her dog, paddle boarding, and spending time with her family.


Making his way across the pond from Cheltenham, UK, Martin kicked off his journey at the tender age of 16 and has been living all over the map until making Raleigh his new home in 2023. He developed a sweet tooth for all things mango and will eat them dried, fresh, or frozen. These tropical delights transport him back to the days when there was a mango tree on his route home from work, and the whole neighborhood would stop for a snack. His love of trees goes beyond mangoes, though. The majestic Poplar reminds him of growing up near the River Severn and the rows of poplars lining its banks. Martin can really tear it up on the rugby field, and is the head coach of the Raleigh Women’s rugby team. And if that doesn’t convince you of his skills, he was also picked to play for the England Men’s Touch Rugby team! When he wasn’t playing rugby, his childhood consisted of acting out Ghostbusters movies (he’s a self-proclaimed mega fan), combined with his love for climbing once got him into a precarious situation during a reenactment of the final scene from GB2 (look it up; it’s a good one). Good news: his climbing safety skills have improved greatly since then. His adventurous spirit has led him to sail across the Atlantic three times, explore the Indian and Pacific oceans, and even go diving to depths of 160 ft underwater (where it’s apparently quite cold and dark).


Matt is a huge nerd for trees and nature. He is an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist, Tree Risk Assessment Qualified, and a veteran in the industry for 10 years and counting. Coming from a rock climbing background, Matt discovered his passion and purpose in life when he started learning about trees and their ever expanding universe of information. The more we learn, the more we realize how little we know! Identification and biology are two of the subjects Matt likes most, but soil, tree ecology, and fungi will also spark a conversation that may last for hours - depending on how interested you are of course! In his spare time he loves rock climbing, hiking, camping, playing music, and eating extremely spicy food.


Matt grew up in Northern Pennsylvania and relocated to the Raleigh area in 2015. He is an ISA Certified Arborist and has an Associates Degree in Business Administration. Matt was tired of working indoors so he joined Leaf & Limb. In his spare time he loves spending time with his wife and daughter, especially at the beach. He also enjoys biking, rollerblading, running, kayaking and anything to keep him moving (he is a bit of an adrenaline junkie). He also loves to make people laugh.


Nora is a Canuckian. She considers herself from Calgary but also from Ottawa. They’re thousands of miles apart, but she gets around. Way back she attended a lecture for homeowners by Dr. Alex Shigo, and it forever changed how she thought about trees and eventually motivated her to leave office life. When Nora’s not working outdoors, she’s playing outdoors. In the past, her time outdoors has allowed her to fly gliders, travel the globe for scuba adventures, and even the chance to fly a helicopter up in the boreal forest. There's always a new adventure waiting. She writes about gardening from an urban ecology POV and is making her property into a kind of naturescape — planting for diversity to see what critters and plants show up.


A native of Hillsborough, Olivia now lives in Durham, where she loves to kayak, hike, camp, and ride horseback. A self-proclaimed grandma at heart when she's not outdoors, Olivia can be found knitting, baking, or looking for a festive sweater at the nearest Goodwill. After pruning 2,000 blueberry bushes last winter primarily by herself, she realized that she wanted to be part of something bigger. For Olivia, Leaf & Limb was just that. She's pumped to sharpen her knowledge on sustainability and work outside taking care of the planet. One of the talents she'll be bringing to the team? The ability to make teeny tiny origami paper cranes.


Originally from Chapel Hill, Patrick found his way to Leaf & Limb after volunteering for the Triangle Land Conservancy and meeting Basil. For him, working at Leaf & Limb makes sense. Patrick admires how energized the team is by caring for the planet. He is an ISA Certified Arborist. When he's not listening to an audiobook on cosmology or psychology, Patrick finds a lot of joy in completing a to-do list. Need proof of his adventurous spirit? At 10, Patrick got stuck in a baby swing. Need more proof? He likes ketchup on his popcorn.


Patrick is a father of two awesome kids and happily married to his soul mate and best friend. He goes hiking as often as he can and has visited nearly half of North Carolina's state parks. He also loves kayaking, especially along the coast (he highly recommends the Bear Island kayak trail outside Atlantic Beach). He considers himself to be a good cook and makes a MEAN strawberry cheesecake. Patrick graduated from ECU and spent most of his professional career working in sales and business development. One day he decided it was time for a change, something outdoors, something that involved hands-on work. So he joined Leaf & Limb to pursue his passions. He is a Treecologist and ISA Certified Arborist who enjoys the tree industry because every day brings something new, different, and challenging.


This Florida-born nature nerd now calls North Carolina home, leaving behind the Sunshine State for the land of pines. But the eastern juniper still holds a special place in her heart. She has vivid memories of hiking through Florida's ancient juniper forests. In school, she studied entomology and her favorite creepy, crawly is the rainbow scarab dung beetle, which is native to the southeast! She has a deep and abiding love of curry - the ultimate comfort food reminiscent of her grandma's cooking. In her free time, she chases frisbees, kicks soccer balls, devours books and loves to play piano. Her wildest adventure? Accidentally stumbling upon an angry herd of snorting, stomping mama cows during a hike. Sierra survived the great "cowpocalypse" standoff and still loves cows, but always keeps an eye out for belligerent bovine.


Stuart is a veteran arborist and master of his trade. After finishing school, he decided to pursue a career in the arboriculture industry. He is now an ISA Certified Arborist with the ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification. Though he excels in many areas, his strength is plant health care. If your trees have problems, Stuart has solutions. He is an accomplished soccer player, climbs rock and boulders like a pro, enjoys listening to underground music, and loves spending time with his daughter.


Tessa graduated from NC State and has interests ranging from foxes to cheesecake, and from paintball to coke icees. Better yet, she had chickenpox twice, wrote her thesis on the Halo video game franchise, and sometimes stays up late doing astral photography. She is truly a unique individual, which makes her right at home at Leaf & Limb (we really like interesting people). She is our director of media and a truly talented videographer and photographer.


Thomas is an ISA Certified Arborist who grew up in Raleigh. Witnessing Raleigh’s continuous growth, he knows all too well the importance of tree preservation. Passionate about plant propagation, Project Pando was the tipping point for his decision to join the team. Thomas daydreams about a change in land management practices where Dense Pocket Forests and Piedmont Prairies become the norm, native plants are recognized and enjoyed by all, and care is given to preserve the elders of our tree communities. In his spare time, you can find Thomas experimenting with biochar, observing life in his water trough patio pond, reading about history and esoteric philosophy, or making music using computers, synthesizers, samplers, and drum machines.


Tom moved to The Triangle from Michigan in 2022 immediately following a Workaway in Senlis, France where he built a chicken coop for a local family in exchange for room and board. He has a history in residential construction and design but was drawn to Leaf and Limb due to their environmental and community awareness. In his free time, Tom enjoys furniture making and spending time outdoors with his wife Kristin and Beagle Juniper.


Antonio (or Toni, he’s cool with either) is a native Durhamite, born and raised. When it comes to favorite foods, he just can’t choose, but he’s currently on a sushi and pupusas kick. He also can’t pick a favorite tree, but two rank at the top of the list: the Magnolia and the Giant Sequoia. Climbing Magnolias at age five is what got him into rock climbing, which he continues to do today in his free time and as a kids coach at Triangle Rock Club. His ultimate tree-climbing goal? Scale a giant sequoia and soak in the awesomeness of nature while he’s up there. When Antonio is not caring for trees, he enjoys hiking, kayaking, or simply relaxing in a hammock with a good book. Oh, and thrilling his climbing students with his exceptional skill at balancing random objects on his hand, foot, and chin (thanks, El Chavo Del 8!).


Zeb grew up in Virginia and Kentucky, but considers himself an Appalachian boy. He’s a lifelong vegetarian, and is on a mission to make vegetables and mushrooms as delicious as possible—especially ones he has foraged himself. But watch out, if you bring him something really, really spicy, he’ll challenge you to eat it with him on the spot! Ask him what his favorite tree is, and you’ll most likely get a different answer next week. But at the moment, his favorite is the Parsley Hawthorn. When he’s not obsessing over small, strange trees, you can find him producing strange electronic music or rock climbing. Zeb is also an ISA Certified Arborist who considers himself a minimalist climber with an alpinist philosophy.

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Articles & Events

March 2025 Treecologist Tribune
Video | What's the Secret Ingredient in Compost Tea? WORM POOP!
Brewing Better Soil: The Benefits of Compost Tea
February 2025 Treecologist Tribune
Video | How to Structurally Prune a Tree For Health, Strength, and Longevity
Safe and Sound: How Pruning Can Make Your Tree Strong
January 2025 Treecologist Tribune
Seeds of Change: 9 Ways to Foster Lasting Environmental Impact
Point of View: 2024 Year in Review at Leaf & Limb
November 2024 Treecologist Tribune
October 2024 Treecologist Tribune
Thickets 101: Collections of Small Trees and Shrubs that Provide Privacy, Erosion Control, and Wildlife Habitats
Opposums are Awesome (and No, They Don't Have Rabies)
September 2024 Treecologist Tribune
Video | Project Pando Needs Your Donations
August Treecologist Tribune
Video | Worried About Big Trees?
Think Your Tree Needs to Be Removed? 6 Reasons You Might Be Wrong
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June 2024 Treecologist Tribune
How to Perform Structural Pruning
May 2024 Treecologist Tribune
Video | How to Perform Structural Pruning
Video | How to Perform the 3-Cut Pruning Method
How to Properly Prune Using the 3-Cut Method and The Reduction Cut
April 2024 Treecologist Tribune
Video | Learn How to Save Time and Help Heal Earth in Our New Book
March 2024 Treecologist Tribune
Setting the Stage—A Conversation About Why Change is Necessary
February 2024 Treecologist Tribune
Tree Root Structure
January 2024 Treecologist Tribune
Point of View: 2023 Year in Review at Leaf & Limb
November 2023 Treecologist Tribune
Bats are the Best (and, Unfortunately, They're Endangered)
October 2023 Treecologist Tribune
Video | The Story of A Seed
September 2023 Treecologist Tribune
Video | Meadows, Thickets, and Pocket Forests: Going Beyond the Traditional Landscaping Model
Strength in Numbers: The Basics of a Pocket Forest
Wondering How to Get Rid of Crape Myrtle Bark Scale?
August 2023 Treecologist Tribune
Video | From Seeds to Serenity: The Piedmont Prairie Process
10 Native Flowers and Grasses to Plant in a Central North Carolina Piedmont Prairie
July 2023 Treecologist Tribune
Video | Tree Roots Don't Break Pipes
Do Roots Cause Damage? Debunking 3 Common Myths About Tree Roots
Stop Blaming Tree Roots: 5 Ways to Proactively Prevent Property Damage
June 2023 Treecologist Tribune
10 Native Shrubs to Plant in Central North Carolina
Video | How to Manage Invasive Plants
Managing Invasive Plants
May 2023 Treecologist Tribune
Video | Earth Day is Every Day
Plants Make the Planet Go Round
Spring Scavenger Hunt
March Treecologist Tribune
We Are Safe At All Times: Our Approach to Tree-Climbing Safety
Video | Climbing with Archie: How to Climb a Tree Like an Arborist
Video | Day in the Life
February Treecologist Tribune
Why I Recommend Herbicide for Some Ecological Restoration Projects
Point of View: Behind the Scenes at Leaf & Limb
Video | How Hand Pruning Your Shrubs is Faster, Cheaper, and Healthier than using a Hedge Trimmer!
Checklist: Tools and Supplies for Hand Pruning Your Shrubs
Still Using Hedge Trimmers? Hand Pruning is Better for Your Shrubs
January 2023 Treecologist Tribune
Sapling Stories: Bald Cypress
October 2022 Treecologist Tribune
Friend or Foe? Snakes (Yes, Even Copperheads) Are Important to Our Ecosystem.
Project Pando Needs Your Help! How to Collect Native Tree Seeds
Project Pando: Community Seed Collection
Video | Piedmont Prairies: An Alternative to Grass and Lawns Where Beauty and Life Thrive!
August 2022 Treecologist Tribune
Planting a Piedmont Prairie Helped Change the Way I See the World
Piedmont Prairies: The Process & What to Expect
Video | How to Structurally Prune a Tree for Strength
[Case Study] Before and After: Structural Pruning on an Oak Tree
Video | How to Spot a Dead or Dying Tree
Video | Bigger is Not Always Better! Planting Small Can Lead to Big Benefits.
Bigger is Not Better! 3 Reasons Why You Should Plant Trees When They are Smaller
Video | How Invasives Harm Our Local Ecosystem (And the ONE Thing You Can Do to Help)
How Invasive Trees and Shrubs Harm Our Local Ecosystem and One Way You Can Reverse That Damage
10 Invasive Plants to Watch Out for in Central North Carolina
Spring Scavenger Hunt
Fascinators and Flagella: How to Host a Tea Party for Soil Microbes
Compost Tea Makes Soil Healthy and Trees Happy
Video | Tea for Your Trees
Video | Mulch Volcanoes: Deceptively Deadly
Are Mulch Volcanoes Threatening The Trees in Your Neighborhood?
Sapling Stories: Beryl's Beauties
Video | Sheep, Seeds, and Swales: An Update from Project Pando
6 Reasons Why Planting A Native Tree Benefits the Environment and Our Local Ecosystem
Video | Drop That Rake: Save Time and Money by Leaving Your Leaves
Project Pando: Native Seed Drive 2021
Video | How to Plant a Tree: The Definitive Guide to Proper Planting
10 Simple Steps to a Perfectly Planted Tree or Shrub
Video | 3 Ways City Life Stresses Trees (And What You Can Do to Help)
Why is Tree Care Important? Outside of the Forest, Trees Face Unique Challenges.
Emerald Ash Borers are Killing Trees. A Simple Treatment Can Stop Them.
Business Conservationist of the Year
Video | Did you Know? The Secret to Fertilizing your Trees and Shrubs Without Using Chemicals.
Chemical Fertilizers: 3 Surprising Myths and Why You Should Choose Organic Matter Instead
4 Options for Fertilizing Trees and Shrubs the Cheap, Easy, and Healthy Way
Video | 4 Fundamentals of Tree Care
Not Sure How to Care for your Trees? 4 Simple Steps to Happy, Healthy Trees
[Parody] Video | Introducing Timber: the Only Dating App for Trees
Video | Introducing Archie the Arborist: 5 Amazing Tree Facts
We Show That We Care: The History of Project Pando
How to Spot a Pine Borer Infestation
Video | How to Plant a Tree: 5 Questions to Ask Before You Pick Up a Shovel
Drop that shovel! 5 Questions to Ask Before Planting
10 Native Trees to Plant in Central North Carolina
Holiday Gift Guide for That Special Tree in Your Life
Measure What Matters - We are B Corp Certified!
Video | Wood Chips: The Secret Ingredient to Healthy Trees
Top 10 Reasons to Choose Wood Chips Over Other Types of Mulch
Healthy Eating Plate for Trees
Video | Welcome to Project Pando
Video | Structure is Strength - How to Make your Trees More Safe Using Pruning.
Are Your Trees Safe? Prune to Make Them Stronger.
How to Select a Safe Branch for a Tree Swing
Your Dirt is Hungry
Video | Soil is Alive
Recipe: Savory Soil Casserole
How Trees Can Heal Earth & What We Can Do to Help
Earth Day Bingo
Video | How Trees Can Save the Earth
Spring Tree Care Checklist
Spring Scavenger Hunt
Don't Make a Deadly Mistake: Top 10 Questions to Consider Before Pruning
Video | Planning to Prune? Use this simple framework and avoid deadly mistakes.
Video | Rooted by Our Purpose: A New Direction at Leaf & Limb
Why Dead Wood is Good Wood
Video | Want More Birds in your Backyard? Plant These Native Trees.
Best Native Trees for Butterflies
Fall & Winter Tree Care Checklist
Video | Fall Tree Care Checklist: Leave your Leaves, Plant New Trees, and Other Important Tasks
Top 10 Most Surprising Benefits of Trees
How I Learned to Love My Trees
Video | Trees are Critical to Our Future
Think Your Tree is Dead? Look a Little Closer
How to Spot a Dead or Dying Tree
Video | How to Spot the Warning Signs: Dead, Dying or Hazardous Trees
Right Tree, Right Place: What to Plant and Where to Plant it
Video | How To: Choosing the Right Tree for Any Location
Our Favorite Tree Recommendations for Tricky Areas
Using Fertilizer? Think Twice Before You Do.
The #1 Reason Most Soil Tests Don't Work
Friend or Foe: When to Take Action Against Pests
The Insect Apocalypse is Here. How Can You Help?
16 Fascinating Facts About Fungi
Mycorrhizal Fungi: The Unsung Heroes of Tree Care
Case Study: Watch How Soil Improvement Turned this Tree from Sickly to Stately
From Dead Dirt to Healthy Soil in 7 Simple Steps
6 Pruning Mistakes to Avoid
How to Install and Enjoy Your Rain Gauge
Help Save the Monarch Butterflies!
4 Fascinating Facts About Mistletoe
Proper Care for Newly Planted Trees
8 Ways to Accidentally Kill Your Tree When Planting
Drop that Rake! Why Leaving the Leaves is Vital to Your Trees' Health
Save Time This Fall: Leave Your Leaves
Video | How To: The Fundamentals Of Watering
Video | The Fundamentals of Mulch: Proper Care, Installation, and Selection
Too Many Choices: Which Mulch or Weed Barrier Should I Choose?
When Good Mulch Goes Bad
How To: The Fundamentals of Mulch Installation
Five Ways to Spot a Thirsty Tree or Shrub
Soaker Hoses, Irrigation Systems, and Treegators, Oh My!
Drought Resistant Trees
How To: The Fundamentals of Watering
The Joy of Planting Native Trees in Durham, North Carolina
Brightening Up Neighborhoods Across Durham
Changing lives one seed at a time in Durham
Soil Decompaction - An Essential for Good Tree Health
Emerald Ash Borer is in NC!
Cabling & Bracing - Options for Making Your Tree Safer
Tree Care for Crape Myrtles
How to Prevent Tree Damage
Help! My Tree Has a Disease!
Dragon’s Blood Tree
Deep Root Fertilization: Myths & The Truth
The Dangerous Truth About Ghost Insurance Policies
Happy Trees Begin With Proper Planting
Trees & Shrubs Need Check-Ups Too!
How To Protect Your Trees from a Lightning Strike
Mulching: A Cheap, Easy Way to Increase the Health of Your Trees!
Crape Myrtles: A Tale of Love, Murder, and Proper Pruning
The World's Oldest Trees
Help! Insects are Attacking my Trees & Shrubs!
Tree Care: Save Money and Increase Your Property Value
Root Collar Excavation is Critical to Your Tree's Survival!
Tree Risk Assessment: The Key to Safer Trees & Peace of Mind!
10 Tips on How to Choose the Right Tree Service and Avoid Scams
Happy Trees Grow From Healthy Soil
TCIA Accreditation: Empowering You With Confidence
What is Tree Care?
Mulch Volcanoes: the Mt. St. Helens of Tree Problems
Trees Need a Thriving Soil Food Web
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