Think Your Tree Needs to Be Removed? 6 Reasons You Might Be Wrong

Common concerns about trees and an explanation of why they are often unfounded.

Think your tree might need to be removed? Or think it is too old or too big or moving too much? Over the years, we have heard many false concerns and misinformation about trees and assumptions about why we should remove them. We see trees that are cut down based on issues that either do not exist or could be easily solved without removal. These decisions are usually made due to a lack of knowledge about trees and alternative options.

Here are the fears we encounter most often, followed by an explanation of why they are often unfounded.

1. I saw my tree swaying in the wind (or a storm) and I’m worried it’s going to fall on my house!

Tree movement is a good thing! They are supposed to move. As they move, trees grow stronger by developing something called response growth. Think about how we humans work our bodies to build muscle: we lift things, push things, and move around. Although the physiology is very different, the concept is the same: when trees move in the wind, they grow stronger. In addition, trees have all sorts of amazing structural features that allow them to withstand high winds, such as leaves that reconfigure into cones to minimize drag, a high twistiness-to-bendiness ratio in the trunk, and tensile buttressing, to name a few.

In the face of a hurricane, tornado, or major wind event, all bets are off, even for the strongest and healthiest trees. But even if we have no trees on our property, that storm system can still drop trees and branches from other sites onto our house or building. We have personally witnessed this on multiple occasions during various storms here in North Carolina. All this to say, there is no reason to remove a tree because of the possibility of extreme weather and most certainly no reason to remove a tree because it sways in the wind.

2. The tree is too close to my house. I’m afraid it will fall and cause damage—and maybe kill someone!

Live trees have springy branches full of leaves that act as sails when they fall. They tend to fall more slowly and land with less impact, creating less damage. Buildings rarely collapse; roofs are strong and are designed to protect those living and working below. In our experience, the most serious damage occurs when live trees puncture the roof and rain enters that hole, creating internal water damage. Dead trees are different—they fall with force. If these are located near a building or house and could cause harm, they should be removed.

For those worried that a tree will fall and kill someone we love, the chances of this happening are extremely low. To put the risk into perspective, a review of mortality data in the United States found that nationwide there were 407 deaths from wind-related tree failure during the 13-year period from 1995 to 2007. At the individual level, that comes out to about a one in 690,000 chance each year. Compare this to your chances of dying in a motor vehicle accident (one in 9,000) and by drowning (one in 76,000). These risks are far greater, yet many of us think little of driving multiple times every day (or relaxing in and around water).

3. That tree is HUGE! It scares me so much—it needs to be cut down.

The huge trees are generally the oldest trees. They have survived many years and weathered many storms. They have developed great strength and resilience in the face of many challenges. These are usually the safest trees we should fear the least. This assumes they have not been damaged or disturbed recently. An example of this would be a construction project nearby that caused damage to the tree’s root system.

4. I need to remove the tree because its roots are cracking my pipes, damaging my foundation, raising my sidewalk, or ruining my parking lot.

Roots in pipes, foundations, or lifting hardscapes often lead people to remove the offending tree. But this is usually unnecessary, resulting in wasted money and the loss of a healthy tree. Let’s start with pipes and foundations.

Tree roots seek food and water. They have no interest in foundations and pipes. Tree roots are like melted cheese; they ooze through and around objects, looking for the path of least resistance. They have no punching power. When roots encounter pipes and foundations that have no cracks, they turn and grow around or alongside these structures.

But if they encounter cracks in pipes and foundations, they often enter in search of water and other basic needs. These cracks usually occur due to improper installation, age, or settling. When plumbers, inspectors, and other technicians find roots in the pipe or foundation, they usually blame the root because they mistake correlation with causation. This basic mistake in logic has happened so often that trees now have a bad rap for damaging pipes and other infrastructure, though they often play no part whatsoever in the damage. The solution is to prune the root and replace the pipe or fix the foundation, not to remove the tree. This will save us a lot of money on unnecessary tree removal costs. Learn more about some of the most common myths about tree roots.

5. I want to thin out some trees to increase the health of the largest trees.

It is normal for trees to grow in dense stands. This is typical in forests. Trees are stronger and healthier in groups than they are as individuals. In groups, their roots interlock and increase their holding power within the soil. They are less likely to blow over. From a safety and health aspect, thinning trees creates issues. It does not solve them. Better to ignore the situation and let the trees sort things out among themselves.

6. I need to remove the tree because it is at the end of its lifespan.

A tree does not reach the end of its lifespan unless it has a fatal health issue or a structural defect that could cause it to fall and create harm to those nearby. Does this tree have such an issue? Could the issue be addressed by improving its structure or health? In the absence of an issue, trees live a very long time. Maples can grow to be 400 years old in the wild. Some pine species here in North Carolina can reach ages of 200 to 500 years. There are oaks in the UK that are over 1,000 years old.

Before you decide to remove a tree, we encourage you to take a closer look and consider other approaches first. Many concerns about trees can be addressed with minimal intervention, allowing you to preserve the natural beauty and benefits that trees bring to your property. Whether it’s structural pruning, soil improvement, or simply getting your tree inspected to ensure it is in good health, there are better, more cost-effective solutions than removal. By nurturing and caring for these mature trees, you can ensure that they add more benefits than risks and that they will live long, healthy lives, enriching their—and our—ecosystem as they thrive.

Are you worried about a tree on your property, or are you unsure about the proper way to care for your trees? Contact us for a free quote! Only interested in evaluating the health of your trees? We also offer paid consultations, much like an annual check-up at your doctor.

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