January 2025 Treecologist Tribune
Winter Beauty ❄️ Mulch Volcano Woes 🌋 Supporting Small Business
Before I dive in, I have a special request for local readers: Winter is a slow and challenging time for our business. To help us keep our team busy, please book a free appointment if you have a project in mind. As a thank you, we’ll bring you a free hard copy of our book, From Wasteland to Wonder. Thank you!
It’s 2025 and we are having a proper winter here in NC!
Since the last time I wrote way back in early December, we have received a little under 3.5” of rain. Some of that was even snow – a rare and delightful treat! The average temperature in January has been a balmy 35 degrees Fahrenheit. December was only slightly warmer, with an average temperature around 46 degrees. Brr!! Although this is cold for those of us used to the mild winters of the South, it’s fantastic for the trees. Prolonged periods of cold help dampen pest pressure, especially when it comes to fungi and borers (and mosquitos too!).
Some folks have asked me if it’s too cold for the trees. Will the limbs break? Will trees fall down? Is it too cold to plant trees? The short answer is no, no, and now. This is especially true when it comes to native trees, which are genetically conditioned for this sort of weather. Cold will generally not cause a limb to break, but ice and snow on a branch might. This is why we recommend structural pruning, which will be the topic of our newsletter next month. Structural pruning makes trees stronger! As for planting, now is the ideal time to plant new trees in NC. In the dormant season, they can establish their roots without the stresses that come from hot summers.
Winter is also a great time to focus on improving the soil in which your trees are rooted. If ideal structure gives a tree strength, then ideal soil gives a tree health. If a tree has excellent structure and health, it should live for a long time, which is great for you, the tree, and Earth! So use this time to spread compost and arborist wood chips around your tree. Both are free/cheap products that do wonders to build soil health!
Speaking of mulch, here is a question from one of our readers, Hyewon:
“What do you suggest for getting the City of Durham to stop its practice of mulch volcanoes? It pains me to see mature trees all over the city – the DPAC, the jail, downtown, parks and public schools – getting this treatment. We’re talking what looks like two feet of mulch on tree trunks.”
The term “mulch volcano” refers to the practice of piling up mulch on the base of a tree trunk, which kills trees. You can learn more in this video we created about mulch volcanoes. Regarding the question, I suggest that you reach out to the Landscape Services Division at the City of Durham and discuss this matter. I recommend leading with the fact that proper mulching may result in less product and labor, which will save them time and money. Also, since I know most municipal folks tend to be overworked and underfunded, I recommend you volunteer to host a class for their team on how to perform proper mulching. Perhaps you and your neighbors could even volunteer to adopt some street trees that you mulch properly and display educational signs. I hope this helps.
Before I go, I have a handful of exciting snippets and tidbits:
- I had the pleasure of chatting with Rebecca McMackin (of TED Talk fame) as part of the “Thinking with Plants and Fungi Program” at Harvard Divinity School. PS: If you are interested in receiving newsletters from this program, which I find to be quite interesting, you can do so here.
- The folks at WALTER magazine wrote a generous feature about Project Pando.
- I was featured in Duke Magazine !
- I joined Margaret Roach for another lovely conversation – this time to discuss winter tree care tips.
- Our book was ranked as a Top 10 Garden Book of 2024 by Washington Gardener!
PS: Due to popular demand, we are now selling our book on Amazon. If you have read it and would be willing to post a review, this is another way you can help our business and non-profit this winter. Thank you!