Point of View: 2023 Year in Review at Leaf & Limb
Looking back at last year through candid photos captured by our crew.
It was a busy and exciting year at Leaf & Limb! Here's a look back at some of our favorite moments behind the scenes.

Curious Creatures
Two baby raccoons climbed down to say hello to the crew and thank them for taking care of their home, a Willow Oak.

We Prune Because We Care
We started 2023 off with lots of structural pruning.

In Our Own Backyard
Some of the crew planted a Pocket Forest behind the shop. In no time, this will provide a buffer from the railroad tracks.

Spring is Here
One of the first signs of spring is seeing baby birds nestled in branches. These little ones seemed especially hungry!

We Share Our Knowledge
Juan, a longtime Leaf & Limb employee, shows a new crew member the ins and outs of shrub pruning.

Award Winning
In April, the City of Raleigh presented Leaf & Limb with an environmental award. Thanks, Raleigh! We think you're pretty great too. :)

Full Bloom!
Several of our prairies are now a few years old and are absolutely bursting at the seams with color, life, and beauty!

Flying Friends
John had a lucky encounter with an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail while working on site.

Treecologist to the Rescue
While out in the field, Andrea found a cat stuck in a tree and helped it find more solid ground.

Is that Spiderman or a climber (safely!) transferring from one tall Pine to another?

What Are You Looking At?!
Speaking of jumping, Miggy made friends with an adorable Jumping Spider.

We Take Sales Seriously
Matt + Matt are very serious about sales. Seriously. They really are...

Growing Food for Friends
A Mason Bee stops to take a sip of nectar from some Spotted Bee Balm (Monarda punctata) in one of our Piedmont Prairies.

Take Your Kid to Work
Going to work with your parents is pretty cool when you get to visit a Pocket Forest in the fall!

From Seeds...
The beginnings of a batch of saplings for Project Pando, which became an official 501(c)3 non-profit this year!

...to Saplings
And Project Pando was not the only thing that grew this year. We grew and gave away thousands of native saplings. Here is Nora, separating individual trees from the air pruning boxes.

We Appreciate You!
Some of our favorite times over the last year were when we hung out with folks from our community. We gave away trees, led tours, attended events, and got to catch up with some of our favorite people: YOU!

Fun & Games
Our end-of -year holiday party would not be complete without a rousing round of Leaf & Lympics. What a great way to say goodbye to 2023!

Best is Yet to Come
Last but not least, Basil finished writing his book! After several years of drafting, writing, and editing, the book is finally complete. Keep an eye out, because soon you can preorder your very own copy.
This has been an incredible year of planting Piedmont Priaires, popping up Pocket Forests, and continuing to care for trees while also having a little bit of fun along the way. We can't wait to see what happens in 2024!